Rev. Stephen Oo is the Senior Pastor and serves in the Mandarin Congregation at CCCC. He is a native Malaysian. He is married, with one son. Rev. Oo received God's calling and came to the Columbus Chinese Christian Church on June 1st, 1999 to continue his service in the Lord since 1976. Rev. and Mrs. Oo have vast experience with various ministries in countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and U.S.A. Rev.Oo is also multilingual and fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, English and Malay.
余振源牧師來自馬來西亞, 與師母育有一子. 1999年6月接受神的呼召前來哥城華人基督教會擔任現職, 繼續他自1976年起在主內的全時間事奉. 余牧師及師母曾先後在馬來西亞, 新加坡, 台灣及美國各地事奉多年, 深具牧養經驗. 余牧師同時通曉華語, 粵語, 英語及馬來語.
REV. ARTHUR LI / 李伯舜牧師
Rev. Arthur Li serves in the Cantonese Congregation at CCCC. He graduated in 1995 from Dallas Theological Seminary. He started his full-time ministry in the same year and has been serving as the Cantonese Pastor of the Columbus Chinese Christian Church since 2001. Rev. Arthur is experienced in pastoring, preaching, teaching, counseling, and speaks English, Mandarin as well as Cantonese.
李伯舜牧師1995年畢業於達拉斯神學院, 同年開始全時間事奉. 自2001年起擔任哥城華人基督教會粤語堂牧師至今. 李牧師於牧會, 講道, 教導, 輔導各方面均頗具經驗, 並通曉英語, 華語及粤語.
Rev. Nicholas Scarpuzzi serves in English Congregation at CCCC. He was born in Canton, Ohio, married to Rosemary in December 1984, with four adult children and one granddaughter, was led by the Lord to Columbus Chinese Christian Church as English Pastor in December 2005. Rev. Nick has been granted endurance and encouragement as the result of the overflow of God’s undeserved faithfulness and in beholding the reflection of Jesus in others around him.
施佈喜牧師出生於Canton, Ohio, 與師母於1984年12月結婚,膝下四子女均己成年,並有一位孫女. 2005年底受神感召來到哥城華人基督教會擔任英語堂牧師. 因著神豐富的信實與恩典,與眾弟兄姐妹在主裡的見證,施牧師持續地獲取服事神的勇氣.
Rev. Jonathan Zhang serves in the Mandarin Congregation at CCCC. He was born in Shandong Province, China. He is married, with two sons. He was called by God to the Columbus Chinese Christian Church as Mandarin pastor in December, 2009. Rev. Zhang graduated from Vanguard University's Religion Graduate School (2003-2006) and Logos Evangelical Seminary (2006-2008). He served as full-time intern pastor in EFC of Alhambra.
張崇耀牧師出生于中國山東,與太太育有二子。2009年底順從主的呼召來到哥城華人基督教會華語堂服事。張牧師先後畢業于Vanguard University 的神學院(2003-2006)和正道福音神學院(2006-2008),幷曾在和平台福基督教會全職實習。
Rev. Victor Sung serves in the English Congregation and specializes in youth ministry at CCCC. He was born in Phoenix, Arizona. He attended the Moody Bible Institute and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Pastoral Studies in 2007. He attended Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and graduated with a Master of Divinity degree with an emphasis in Preaching and Teaching. Rev. Victor has served with the Hyde Park Christian Reformed Church from January 2006 to May 2011. He is currently serving as Youth Pastor at Columbus Chinese Christian Church since July 16, 2011.
宋修成牧師出生於美國亞利桑那州的鳳凰城. 2007年宋牧師畢業於慕迪聖經學院並獲得教牧學學士學位. 2011年宋牧師獲得三一福音神學院的教牧學碩士學位. 從2006年一月至2011年五月,宋牧師在海德公園改革宗教會服事. 從2011年七月中至今,宋牧師在哥城華人基督教會擔任青少年牧師.