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*Update (As of 11:00PM, August 12, 2020): We have raised $23,919.53 so far in our donation drive! Our current relief fund total is $97,839.06! PTL! Let’s keep going!

From our second drive, the Relief Committee has already utilized $35,534 to support various needs within the city of Columbus. We have procured thousands of materials for our local hospitals, clinics, fire stations and nursing homes. We have also donated $10,000 to organizations that are much better situated to serve those in need, such as the LSS and Hilliard Food Pantries. Our Congregational Deacons and Caring departments have also been working hard in delivering masks to those within our church that need them.

There is still much more need within our city and much more needed of us as we band together to face the repercussions of COVID-19. In addition to our commitment to the needs of our medical institutions, our committee will also focus its efforts to support our local communities by assessing the needs within our local food banks, homeless shelters, nursing homes, restaurants, and blood donation centers.

To rally our church body together for the new relief efforts, our Coronavirus Relief Committee has set a target of $100,000 for our Coronavirus Relief Fund.

Our deacon board has approved the addition of $50,000 immediately into this fund and will continuously open this fund to donations from our brothers and sisters until the effort is no longer necessary. The deacon board has also agreed unanimously for the church to match our member’s donations, dollar for dollar, as we represent Christ & the Gospel to all around us!

**Please make sure to note, “Coronavirus Relief Fund” in your donation memo.

Church, let’s do this together in faith so our neighbors are blessed, in hope so the gospel is spread, and in love so we may glorify the name of our Savior and King, Christ Jesus!