Deacon Board Meeting Summary
2020 February Deacon Board Meeting Summary*
*Motioned and approved for public posting by the Deacon Board on March 7, 2020.
Deacon Board Meeting – February 2020
Facilitated by Deacon Norman Ai
Attendance. Reverend Arthur Li, Reverend Nick Scarpuzzi, Reverend Jonathan Zhang, Reverend Victor Sung, Deacon Norman Ai, Deacon Karl Chen, Deacon George Tu, Deacon Powen Shih, Deacon Isaac Chan, Deacon Bao Peng Cao, Deacon Ted Huang, Deacon Yung Hsien Chung, Deacon Shengming Liu, Deacon Kevin Cheung, Deacon Charlie Guo, Deacon Deborah Lin, (12 of 14 deacons present, quorum met.)
Absent. Deacon Liang Chen, Deacon Tony Chao.
1. PRAYER MEETING / 8:00AM – R. Nick Scarpuzzi
2. DBM OPENING PRAYER / 9:00AM – R. Nick Scarpuzzi
3. APPROVAL OF MEETING SUMMARY – All Reverends & Deacons
a. Approval of January I & II DBM summaries.
i. Deferred. Deacon Norman will send out revised summaries to the Deacon Board via E-VOTE.
a. LCP Transition Proposal Draft, documentation here – All Reverends & Deacon Powen Shih (Report 10 minutes / Discuss 35 minutes / Vote 5 minutes)
i. Motion for the deacon board to approve the “Pastoral Guidance on CCCC LCP CCCC West Ministry Transition” proposal (Draft #3 January 22, 2020).
1. Motion passed. (9 Yes, 2 Abstain, 1 No)
ii. Time to communicate to the LCP members ASAP.
1. Reverend Zhang (CCCC), Reverend Hailong (DBCC) to coordinate.
iii. Time to communicate to the Congregations, to be decided.
1. All Reverends and D. Norman Ai to coordinate.
b. Children’s Committee Final Report, documentation here – Reverend Zhang & D. Charlie Guo (Report 10 minutes / Discuss 10 minutes)
i. Report Headlines
1. Mission of Children’s Ministry
2. The whole church works together serving in Children’s Ministry
3. Leverage resources more effectively in church
4. Recent Decline Analysis
5. SWOT Analysis
6. Urgent & Important Analysis
ii. Communication to the Congregation, at the AMA in May 2020.
c. CCCC Vision Implementation, documentation here – Reverend Sung (Report 10 minutes / Discuss 15 minutes)
i. Quarter 1
1. Preaching assignments – Responsibility / All Reverends
2. Banner and Posters – Responsibility / All Reverends, D. Deborah, D. Isaac
3. Music Song List Sharing – Responsibility / All CMC Deacons
4. Congregational Prayer Inserts – Responsibility / All Reverends
ii. Quarter 2
1. Churchwide Events
a. MCCA Summer Retreat – Responsibility / D. Shengming
b. Summer VBS – Responsibility / R. Sung
c. Short Term Missions – Responsibility / R. Sung, D. Baopeng
iii. Quarter 3
1. CMC Gathering – Responsibility / All Reverends, all CMC Deacons
2. Church Leadership Picture Board – Responsibility / D. Ted, D. Norman
iv. Quarter 4
1. Baptism Service – Responsibility / All Reverends, New Special Events Deacon
2. Verse & Value Banner – Responsibility / All Reverends
3. Prayer & Thanksgiving Wall – Responsibility / All Reverends, D. Ted
4. Logo Ratification – Responsibility / Currently unknown.
d. Church Structure Reformation Committee Updates – D. Karl Chen (Report 5 minutes)
i. Communication to each congregation by March.
a. Electric Car Charging Request, documentation here – D. Ted Huang (Report 5 minutes / Discuss 15 minutes / Vote 5 minutes)
i. Motion from Deacon Ted to allow Reverend Li to charge his electric car Monday-Friday, 9am – 5pm, as needed until further electric car policy options are explored and proposed.
1. Motion Passed. (12 Yes.)
b. 2020 Deacon Nomination Committee Progress Report – Reverend Zhang & D. Karl Chen (Report 10 minutes)
i. Deacon Deborah confirmed to be stepping down from the board, therefore her nomination to the committee is also confirmed, per January’s DBM I.
ii. Deacon Nomination Committee to meet immediately following February’s Deacon Board meeting.
iii. Announcements to the congregation have been printed in the bulletins about public recommendations to the Deacon Nomination Committee.
c. Wuhan Coronavirus Updates and Support Fund Updates – D. Norman Ai (Report 10 minutes / Discuss 10 minutes)
i. Precautions have been printed on bulletins, emailed to congregational emailing lists and posted on Instagram and WeChat groups.
ii. CMC deacons to coordinate verbal announcements during service each week for the next month or so.
iii. No special fund set up yet because there has been no verified donation organization found yet.
iv. Hand sanitizer dispensers have been placed at each main entrance as well as the welcome tables of each congregation.
v. Church leadership to continue closely monitoring the situation.
6. CLOSING PRAYER – R. Nick Scarpuzzi